Answering your questions

You’ll naturally have your own list of questions that need answering through this time. Whether it’s a social worker, a Home Manager, a Caregiver, Nurses, or the very people living in each care home – those questions should be fully answered, without exception.

You have the right to know about all the services and offerings a care home provides – the fees they charge, staffing ratios, qualifications and experience of those team members, outcomes of previous inspection reports, any areas requiring improvement, activities, community involvement, available meals and choices, and any other area that is especially important to you.

Having all of this information made available to you is vital to making an informed decision for your loved one.


Our home fees

It’s important to know that whether your loved one is self-funded or Local Authority assisted, you have the right to choose the care home you feel is best for your relative, and should not be influenced or encouraged to choose somewhere different based on price. If you wish for your loved one to move to a more expensive home, the Local Authority may pay what they have assessed their needs to be, and it may require you to find a way to pay the remainder – this is known as a top-up fee. However every Local Authority has an obligation to the individual to fund their care needs, and must never influence a family towards a specific home that they suggest.

It’s advisable that you as a family undertake financial planning through an Independent Financial Adviser to consider all of your options in regard to any long-term care plans and understand every scenario. You can also speak to independent advocates such as Age UK or the Alzheimer’s Society to offer free and impartial advice.

Self funded

If your loved one has capital in their name of over £40,000 (Wales) they will not quality for Local Authority assistance towards their care home fees, until their total capital falls below this threshold.
Each Local Authority will undergo their own financial assessments to determine your loved one’s capital position.

Should your relative’s capital position push them outside of Local Authority funding, they will be responsible for the cost of their care home fees until their money falls below the £40,000 threshold.
This classifies them as a ‘self-funder,’ meaning the contract for care will be between yourselves and the care home directly.

Local authority

If your loved one has capital in their name of over £40,000 (Wales) they will not quality for Local Authority assistance towards their care home fees, until their total capital falls below this threshold.
Each Local Authority will undergo their own financial assessments to determine your loved one’s capital position.

Should your relative’s capital position push them outside of Local Authority funding, they will be responsible for the cost of their care home fees until their money falls below the £40,000 threshold.
This classifies them as a ‘self-funder,’ meaning the contract for care will be between yourselves and the care home directly.